My Year of Postcards

April 10, 2011

Sent to me by one of the special people who I met this past year. Thank you Tif

So I’ve been putting off writing this final post for over a week now, as the idea of having to sum up what the past year has meant to me is too daunting to face. The past year really has been the most exciting year I have faced in my 28 years of life. I went through a little heartache, moved house, started a new job, got a promotion, started swing dancing, finished my time at university, went on dates, ate lots of cheese, met more people than I have in the past decade, had a radio interview, went camping, flew business class to Melbourne, then to Sydney twice to visit a man who I had met and fallen in love with. Wow.

I had a party last week, on the last day of this project and I was struck by something. As I stood there and looked around the room I realised that every single person who was there to help me celebrate my achievement, I didn’t know a year ago. Writing these postcards and promoting this project had opened me up to an amazing group of people who I am sure I never would have met otherwise, who in such a short time had decided I meant enough to them that they wanted to come along and say congratulations. And you know what? I wouldn’t be as happy as I am today without them.

Every person who has said to me some kind words about this project, some becoming very loyal and close friends and one in particular becoming a supportive and loving boyfriend, all of these people have changed my life. Have made me smile. Have made me realise that I am able to achieve more than I give myself credit for.

It’s to these people, and to everyone who reads this blog, I say thank you. Though on the outside, this blog was just about sending postcards, through it I was able to believe in myself again after finding myself a little stuck. And so I never forget this I also had a beautiful feather quill tattooed on my arm, in the hopes that if I ever find myself lost again, I will remember what can be done to feel alive.

So if you signed up to this project and are wondering why I am signing off when you are yet to receive your postcard then never fear. I am continuing the postcard writing until I run out of addresses, so you will be receiving your postcard very soon. As to whether I will be including these extra postcards on this blog, that is yet to be decided but I will continue to write on my other blog which you can find here. It’s a little bare at the moment, as my attention has been caught up in 365postcards but if you check back a little later, I promise regular updates.

Thank you again.

Till……..some other day


The other side of Tif's beautiful handmade postcard. Her sentiments pretty much sum up the amazing reaction I have had from people over the last year.

365/365: She sits alone in her car

April 7, 2011

Sent 31 March 2011

So the final official postcard has been sent. It was a giant fold out postcard and I had been saving it for the end. I will continue to send postcards, as this blog attracted way more addresses than I needed for the year long project, but perhaps a little more sporadically. Tomorrow I shall write a longer post when my mind is a little clearer.

Till tomorrow


364/365: Adrenaline, Anxiety, Acceptance

April 6, 2011

Sent 30 March 2011

363/365: Perth, I Love You

April 5, 2011

Sent 29 March 2011


You can check out the Perth, I Love You Facebook page here.

362/365: I rely on me

April 4, 2011

Sent 28 March 2011

361/365: True Meaning of Friendship

April 3, 2011

Sent 27 March 2011

360/365: Allergic to Wine

April 2, 2011

Sent 26 March 2011

359/365: Wads of Cash

April 1, 2011

Sent 25 March 2011

358/365: Pear and Stripes and Aching Feet

March 31, 2011

Sent 24 March 2011

357/365: Perhaps being complicated isn’t such a bad thing?

March 30, 2011

Sent 23 March 2011